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Writer's picture: foreverunitedapparelforeverunitedapparel

Custom screen printing and embroidery orders have many variables that will affect your pricing. We're going to try and help you understand some of these variables so when you place your next order you'll have a better understanding of what you're paying for.


We'll start with embroidery and it begins with artwork; before the embroidery art begins we need to have a vector art file to work with. If you have art we go straight to the next step. If art needs to be created we start by vectoring your idea, the first hour is free then we charge $35 an hour. Don't worry typically for embroidery we can accomplish this stage of art within the first hour.

Artwork for embroidery then requires a special creation called digitizing. Our fee for digitizing is $35 and is standard for all embroidery orders. Most art falls in the 10,000 stitch count, anything exceeding this raises the price point. It sounds like a lot but generally your embroidery art charge is just $35.

Thread colors for embroidery will increase pricing. Let's say you order 12 black shirts and 12 white shirts and you have a single color logo. On the black shirts you want a white logo and on black shirts you want a white logo. The 1st thread color change is free, now you add red shirts to that example and want a blue logo, this thread charge is $15.

There are several specialty thread options to choose from. Puff gives embroidery dimension and is an additional $1 per use. Other specialty threads like metallic and glow-in-the-dark is a $15 up-charge.

Screen Printing

Just like embroidery it begins with the artwork. If your art doesn't exceed an hour there no charge for general spot color artwork (See print types). Process designs require a significantly more work and the art cost is $250 when you supply high resolution photos for a reference.

Ink colors and color changes will also change the price of artwork. Our pricing calculator for screen printing is based on the number of ink colors in your design. If there is a scenario where a color change is necessary there is a $25 color change fee starting on the 3rd change and up. Specialty inks like metallics, glow, nylabond, puff, and other additives will be a $15 charge.


Does your project require personalization? If you choose to have a heat transfer name added to the right chest or back we charge $4.50. Heat seal numbering will cost $1.50 per digit.

Locations and Sizes

Some things apply to both screen print and embroidery, for instance locations. Many garments have multiple spaces you can place a logo or graphic, understand that each setup is an additional charge. Another increase comes with garments and sizes beyond XL more material means more money, coincidently when ordering toddler and infant garments you'll find less material does not equal cheaper price, go figure.

Though this isn't everything that goes into pricing it gives you a good idea of what to expect. Our aim is to help you understand what you're paying for and trust that you're receiving the care and quality you deserve. As always we look forward to working with you!

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